
Upper Preschool


52×11' + 52×3'


Realtime CGI (52×11')
2D animation and Stop-motion (52×3')



MIAM! animation


Wassim Boutaleb (52x11')
David Tabourier (52x3')

Graphic authors:

Martine Camillieri
Yann Boyer
Wassim Boutaleb


Martine Camillieri
Céline Ronté
Antoine Schoumsky
Antoine Maurel
Nicolas Verpilleux
Balthazar Chapuis
Matthieu Chevalier

©2024 - MIAM! animation - Panique! - Lunanime

The Tinies is a character-driven comedy sitcom which fosters creativity, promotes DIY projects and best of all, builds self-confidence.

Our stories take place in the attic of a house, in a town built by toys with daily packaging well-known to kids. In Attic Town, our little toy inhabitants all have their own defaults, qualities and daily mood... Living in harmony can be quite a challenge! Luckily for them, they can count on our two heroes, Ollie, an enthusiastic and self-confident doll, and her best friend Titus, a tiny shy toy super talented for crafts. Ollie and Titus make it their mission to work together to resolve Attic Town’s day-to-day problems so that their little community of toys can enjoy a great day!

In addition to the 11-minute series, 52x3' stop motion tutorials will be produced so that children can learn how to reproduce at home the crafts they’ve seen in the series. Watching kids crafting DIY toys in creative workshops inspired us to create the show. Designing their own playsets and accessories boosts their self-confidence like nothing else while helping reduce plastic waste !

The Tinies is made in France by MIAM! studio. The series is primarily created using real-time CGI (Unreal Engine 5.3), allowing a photo-realistic rendering that aligns with the series concept, as children can easily recognize everyday packaging. Thanks to this innovative pipeline, the estimated global carbon footprint of the show amounts to 133 tons eqCO2; As a comparison, one episode of 12 minutes, rendered in classic CGI on a single machine, takes 230 days (HD quality) and consumes about 330kg of CO2 whereas one episode of 12 minutes, rendered in realtime CGI on a single machine, takes 6 hours (4K quality) and consumes about 0,15kg of CO2. The production in real-time CGI also allows us to easily generate additional content (video games, spin-off episodes, or even feature film) to develop an entire IP ecosystem in a fully controlled manner.


© 2024 - MIAM ! animation